Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Triple Bottom Line Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Triple Bottom Line - Essay Example The essay "The Triple Bottom Line" discusses the article "The Triple Bottom Line: What Is It and How Does It Work" written by Timothy F. Slaper and Tanya J. Hall highlights the importance of sustainable development. Authors argue about sustainability that has often been cited as one of the primary goals for organizations.Some experts suggest assigning a monetary value to all the 3Ps. The detractors claim that while profits can be measured in dollars, the environmental impact and social impact cannot be measured in dollar terms. Another school of thought suggests that an index is created which will allow for logical comparisons of the sustainability performance of organizations. The discord in this approach is regarding the weights to be assigned to the three dimensions of TBL. Which of the 3Ps is most important; people, planet or profits? Who will decide this? There is no clear cut answer. The authors opine that each of the parameters of TBL should have different units of measurement and should have different metrics. The authors then throw light on the fact that there is no universal method of calculating the TBL. A couple of variations of the TBL measurement; namely The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) that comprises 25 variables and Minnesota Progress Indicator that includes 42 variables and have also been mentioned in the paper. Another important learning from the paper is the appropriate measures to be used while gauging the TBL performance of an organization or of a particular project.

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